
Thursday, April 02, 2015

It seems like recently, anyone & everyone are getting involved with scrapbooking! I've personally been scrapbooking for about 2 years and have somehow accumulated my own stash of books filled with memories that I'd otherwise forget. Seen as the recent interest in scrapbooking has come about, I thought I'd share a few photos from my scrapbook and a few tips on how to make your own. For me, the number one rule to scrapbooking is to have fun. It's supposed to be a fun experience where you can let all of your creative juices flow with no limits - a little like blogging but on a more personal level.

The first scrapbook I used was the Lah De Dah creative journal and it's amazing for beginners. The pages come already printed in a gorgeous book and the binder is able to open and close, meaning you can add, remove & switch out pages to personalise it. I then moved on to Smashbooks. This is a more American-version of the Lah De Dah journal yet at the same price point. The pages in a Smashbook are larger and you can fit more items onto a page, but the only problem I have with the Smashbook is the binder. You can't add, remove or switch pages meaning the things you can do with the pages are especially limited. The only reason I continued to use this book is because of the page sizes.

When it comes to stickers and embellishments, look everywhere! I'm known for scouting the aisles of every shop for the stationery section and I always find good bargains. Collect things as you go along, even if you don't have a use for it. I keep a little box in my bedroom where I throw in as many random things as I can - stamps; receipts; cards; everything. They do come in use sometimes! I also have tonnes of stickers and it's become my latest obsession but stickers will always have a use.

Of course, there are many other scrapbooks and journals you could use and I'm currently looking into investing in a Project Life for a more photo-based album. Do you scrapbook?